Elon Musk built a mini submarine to save the Thai football team (but in the end they did not use it)


Image: AP

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk announced Saturday night that his company was building a mini submarine with parts of the Falcon 9 rocket to save the team from Thai football trapped A cave for two weeks. The mogul then mobilized his team to try to build and control the mini submarine in just over a day.

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However, the rescue organizers have finally decided to use another plan to try to save the team. They announced Sunday morning that they would send a group of expert divers to get out the traps.

Musk announced this week that he would send a team of his engineers to the area to try to help. Since then, the mogul has posted several ideas on Twitter to get the kids and their monitor, among whom have built a nylon tube and insert it under the network of caves as it's been acting of an inflatable castle or create escape modules with a Teflon coating.

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In the end, Musk apparently decided on a mini submarine built with the transfer tube liquid oxygen from a Falcon 9 rocket, which would serve as a helmet. The submarine would weigh little, enough so that two divers could carry it, and it would be small to be able to pass through the narrow spaces.

The CEO of SpaceX announced the construction of the submarine on Twitter and also answered users' questions. Some asked him how divers could load a mini submarine with a child inside.

You will have four handles at the front and four at the back, allowing you to have between one and four tanks connected simultaneously. All are equipped with an impact protection and a secondary cover in case of water leakage.

Others asked her if the submarine would be finished before the rain flooded or worse conditions in the cave where the kids and their trainer were trapped. To this question, Musk replied that he believes his team would complete the construction in about eight hours. Transportation to Thailand would be 17 hours overtime.

When it was announced that the rescue team had chosen to send divers to the team, Musk said that he understood it and that it made sense because of heavy rains. He added that he would continue to test the submarine in Los Angeles just in case he needed it now or in the future.

The team, made up of 12 children and their instructor, was trapped in the caves at the end of June. A group of divers confirmed that they were alive and safe last week.

However, the divers claimed that the team was in a very dangerous situation because there was little oxygen in the cave where they were trapped and that heavy rains were expected in the next few days. A diver died this week carrying oxygen bottles to the team.

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It is reported this morning that divers are already en route to the cave where the equipment is trapped. Each child will be accompanied by two divers who will load their oxygen tanks. A diver takes about 11 hours to arrive and come from the cave.

[ Twitter and BBC]

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