Elon Musk will send engineers to rescue children trapped in Thailand


Washington, (EFE) .- The founder of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, announced today on Twitter that he will be sending a team of engineers to Thailand to help rescue the children of the youth football team trapped in a cave.

Musk explained that "SpaceX and Boring Co. engineers will travel to Thailand tomorrow to see if they can be useful to the government." There are probably many complexities that are difficult to appreciate without being there in person. .

Boring Co. is the Musk company dedicated to the construction of tunnels for its ultrafast underground transport project; while SpaceX is another multimillion-dollar company focused on the aerospace sector.

Musk's decision to send a group of his engineers comes a few days after a Twitter user asked him to help get the twelve Thai children and their trainer from the cave

to which Musk replied: "I guess the Thai government has under control but would be happy to help it if there is a way to do it."

A day later, Musk pointed out that Boring Co. "It has an advanced ground penetration radar and is good enough to dig holes", while SpaceX has contacted a Thai entrepreneur to contact the company. Executive of his country to offer his help.

Work against the clock to try to save the twelve miners and their trainer before the arrival of the monsoon rains, which can completely flood the cave in which they are trapped Two

Death in the last hours of one of the divers who participated in rescue tasks highlights the difficulties of the operation.

The victim, a former Marine Corps elite identified as Saman Kunan, 38, died Thursday night when he ran out of oxygen while submerged and after successfully completing a supply mission in the cave. EFE

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