Elon Musk's plan to rescue children trapped in Thailand


12 junior football players and their coach have been trapped since June 23rd in a flooded cave in northern Thailand, but tech mogul Elon Musk has already devised a plan to save them.

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The rescue could take months and is hampered mainly by the shortage of oxygen.

On Friday, a 38-year-old diver died trying to help the youngsters. The diver had worked with the Thai Navy and tried to bring them oxygen and supplies. He died when he came back to the surface.

Technology billionaire and mogul Elon Musk has a plan he thinks he can work.

On Twitter he said:

"I suspect the Thai government has the situation under control, but I will be happy to help if there is a way to do it." [19659009WhatisMusk'splan?

A tunnel. Musk believes that a nylon tube should be inserted inside the cavern and filled with air as if it 's an "inflatable castle" for create an underwater tunnel.

Musk said his excavation and infrastructure company, The Boring Company could help because "he has an advanced radar and is very good at digging holes."

Musk said:

"Maybe it's worth trying: insert a nylon tube one meter in diameter (or a set of shorter tubes for more difficult sections) across the cave system and inflate it with air. "

He added:

" This should create an underwater air tunnel against the ceiling of the cave that suitable for strange shapes like those of the 70 cm hole. "

Even a spokesman for the Musk company said that they were already discussing with the Thai government how they can help:

" A Once you confirm what it is most useful to send or do, we will do so.We receive information and advice from people who are there. "

Musk also assured that He can send Powerpacks and hydraulic pumps to help the Thai authorities.

The cave where the children are He's called Tham Luang and is the fourth longest in Thailand. The group of players was caught after a sudden flood.

Until now, it is unclear whether the Thai authorities have accepted the help.

Children are between 11 and 16 years old. The coach is 25.

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