Emirates announces temporary ceasefire against Houthis


Cairo.- United Arab Emirates announced today an interruption of the military campaign in the city of Al Hudeida, on the west coast of Yemen to give the UN to negotiate with the Houthi rebels and that they withdraw from the city.

" We salute the continuing efforts of the UN special envoy Martin Griffths, to obtain an unconditional withdrawal of the Houthis from the city and port of Al Hudeida We have interrupted our campaign to allow time for this option to "succeed," said the UAE Foreign Minister in a tweet., Anuar Gargash.

Photo: AFP.

Emirates participates in Arab coalition, led by Saudi Arabia, which supports Yemeni forces loyal to President Abdo Rabu Mansour Hadi and who are fighting Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen [19659006]. :

  • Alfo on fire
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Attacks
  • Houthis

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