Empise the Semana of concientizacin sobre el uso de los antibiticos


Del 12 al 18 de noviembre celebrates the Semana Mundial de Concientizacin sobre el Uso de los Antibiticos impulsada de la organizaciones mundiales de Salud (WHO), Sanidad Animal (OIE) and the Naciones Unidas para Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO) declared by Inters Nacional for the Resolucin 2018-53977621 del Ministerio de Salud and Desarrollo Social de la Nacin.

An inadvertent use of the antibitants to generalize the aparicin of resistant bacteria has known, but it is necessary to observe in the transcendence of the decadicated ltimas.

In Argentina, the Servicio Nacional de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (Senasa) promoted the campa lanzada for the OIE "Contamos con usted para manejar los antimicrobianos", that busca concientizar in the buen manejo y uso responsible for the antibittios in cada uno los Actors of the production of animal feed origen, with the aim of preventing resistance to antimicrobial (RAM).

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"El fenmeno de las RAM pone en riesgo el control de las enfermedades en todo el mundo, supone una preocupacin de primer nivel tanto para la salud humana como para la sanidad animal", indic el director of Productos Veterinarios del Senasa, Federico Luna.

"There is a problem that the RAM for the sake of human and animal salvation is that the antibodies are already effective in resolving the simple bacterial infections that are occurring in the treatment of malaria and in the caso de los animalos tambi agrega. the merma in the produccin of alimentos ", agreg Lisandro Ruiz del Programa Nacional de Vigilancia of the Resistance to the Antimicrobianos in animals destined to the human consumption of the Senasa.

In fact, the OIE realizes a series of recomendations for sober and responsible use of animal medicinal products, which has made it possible to preserve the health of the community through co-ordinated accidents among the sectors of the population, the animal health and animal health. the ambient salud.

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The antimicrobianos its esenciales medications for the salud humana y animal. If we are not able to take advantage of this situation, serious bacterial infections can occur in our morbidity and mortality.

In the actuality, the treatment of infections with antimicrobial no poses the misma eficacia that the momento of the destruction of the film is inadequate or inadequate that is realized with it. In this respect, the mechanisms of resistance to anti-doping that are propagated on a world-wide scale and in terms of the capacity of the trainee in infertile communities.

Sin antimicrobianos eficaces para prevente y tratar las infecciones, interventions como el trasplante de rganos, the quimioterapia del cncer, el tratamiento de la diabetes o la ciruga mayor (por ejemplo, las cesreas o las prtesis de cadera) to be converted into procedimientos de muy alto riesgo.

A forma to prevent the generacin of RAM is respetar las las indicaciones de uso de los antibiticos prescriptos en humanos y animales, y no automedicarse.

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