Employee and customer of McDonald's brutal battle … for a soft drink


Mexico City /

A McDonald's employee and a customer played in a brutal battle that was recorded in a video that became viral on Thursday.

The battle would have occurred after the client tried to take free soda and later disrespect the employee who, in the middle of the recording, hears: " My mother is not dead, you respect my mother. "

The video shows the moment when the customer shakes the employee, who walks furiously towards her to start to hit her face by supporting her in One of the tables

Moments later, three people try to separate the women, but the employee continues to beat the dinner.

When it seems that everything is about to return to calm, the customer takes one of the chairs of the establishment with the intention of hitting the employee, but he removes easily the furniture.

Despite the likely insult that the client allegedly launched against the employee's mother, the video was posted last night on Instagram and Facebook by Marie Dayag, another of the guests, who stated: " The lady asked for a cup of water and the supervisor closed the soda machine so she would not let her get a free soda. "

Although Marie Dayag resides in Las Vegas, Nevada, it is not known to which branch the ferocious battle was fired. However, a spokesman for McDonald's told TMZ that they were already investigating the incident which, by the focus of the people involved, would have occurred in the United States

"We do not support the behavior shown in the video," said the spokesperson.


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