England prepares for the death of Queen Elizabeth II


The "number two" cabinet of the British government, David Lidington, chaired last Thursday a meeting with various members of the executive in which the plan to follow in the event of the death of Queen Elizabeth II was addressed .

According to the newspaper The Sunday Times the meeting was not motivated by "specific concerns" about the health of the monarch, 92 years old, despite the fact that the same week s & # 39, is produced in which Queen II canceled his presence at a religious service at St. Paul's Cathedral in London because he felt indisposed.

Interior Minister Sajid Javid, leader of the Conservative Party in the Chamber of Deputies, participated in the enlarged meeting. the Commons, Andrea Leadsom, and the Minister of Scotland, David Mundell. In the picture, the queen and her son, Prince Charles.

According to The Sunday Times there was talk of the time when Prime Minister Theresa May would address the British in case after the death of the sovereign and established that after death would be declared ten days of national mourning.

Sources of the executive told the newspaper that the operation known as "London Bridge" ("London Bridge"), the Queen's death case action plan that the British authorities have prepared for years, is in "permanent" update. In the photo, the queen with Kate Middleton, the wife of her grandson, Prince William.

Overall, they point out that the high level of last week's meeting "is unprecedented," as it was the first time Several senior government officials have come together to address these plans .

When the monarch dies, his body must stay four days at the Palace of Westminster, seat of the British Parliament, according to the newspaper.

Monarch dies, his body is expected to remain four days in the Westminster Palace, seat of the British Parliament, according to the newspaper.

Queen Elizabeth II turned 92 on April 21st. On the picture, we see him sharing a nice moment with Meghan Markle, the American who recently married the grandson of the Queen, Prince Harry.

On February 6, 2017, she became the first British monarch to celebrate a Sapphire Jubilee, commemorating her 65th year on the throne.


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