England will have the first clinic against video game addiction



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This government clinic will deal with gambling disorders that occur between children and adults

After World Health Organization recognized video game addiction As a mental health problem, this problem has been openly discussed for the first time and cases of children and adolescents who are suffering from this problem have also been discovered.

That is why in England, thanks to National Health Service, National Health Service (NHS) in English, it has been proposed the establishment of an exclusive clinic for the treatment of this disease.

It is hoped that this clinic will also help people with severe Internet addiction. Dr. Henrietta Bowden-Jones, a consultant psychiatrist behind the center, is looking for NHS funds to cope with the growing number of compulsive Internet users and video games.

cases of minors who have left their normal lives because of the game, for example, a week ago you were told about the girl who beat her parents not to play Fortnite or there was also a case where a child in the United States ended up in surgery, because he spent a lot of time playing and did not go to the bathroom, so he s & # 39; 39, is found with the bowel deformed.

Currently NHS provides therapies at different times for this addiction, however this only happens in a group and still does not specialize in addictions to video games, but also in the disorders of the Internet. [19659005] Although these clinics already exist privately in England, it is important to note that the government still subsidizes 100% of these disorders.

I hope that this project will be realized and that its impact will be reflected worldwide with the opening of more centers for the treatment of these diseases.

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