Enrique Alfaro leads quickly to Jalisco


Arturo Ramírez Gallo

According to the quick account, Enrique Alfaro leads to the governor's elections in Jalisco.

The percentage of votes established in the fiscal year in Jalisco marks a lower limit of 37.7 percent and a 40 percent upper limit on the mayor of Guadalajara with a license, which would win in the second election of the state agent in which he participates.

Alfaro Ramírez takes advantage of almost 15% in the estimation of the results with regard to Carlos Lomelí Bolaños, candidate of the coalition PT, MORENA and PES. The doctor obtained an internal limit of 23.0% and 25.3% of the upper limit.

To be the first force in the 2012 elections, the PRI goes to a third place. Miguel Castro Reynoso appeared well below opponents who were conducting the exercise because he recorded 16.1% in the lower limit and 17.6% in the upper limit.

Miguel Ángel Martínez del PAN recorded a minimum of 10.5% and 12 points more, Salvador Cosio Gaona of the Green Party with a lower limit of 2.4% and an upper limit of 3.3%. Martha Araiza Soltero, candidate of the New Alliance has 1.7 lower limit and 2.2 higher. Until the end Carlos Orozco Santillán of the PRD appeared with 0.8% lower and 1.2 upper limit.

The Technical Advisory Committee took as sample 472 boxes, of which 348 received information, indicating a 95% confidence level

Participation in Jalisco ranged from 56.2% to 59.1% .

"The fast count, unlike the exit surveys, is not based on statements to make their calculations, but takes as a single source of information, the results data set in the booklets to do the operations of control and I calculate in the box.Therefore, the information we reveal reflects the votes cast and counted in boxes, "said Guillermo Alcaráz Cross, president of the Institute of Electoral Participation and Citizen (IEPC). [19659004] The President of the Council warned that neither The Preliminary Results Program (PREP) are final results, if not precise.The final count will result from the countdown which will start on Wednesday, July 4.



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