Entrepreneurs, politicians and actors express their support for AMLO in social networks


Through social networks, businessmen, politicians, intellectuals, actors, exmandatarios and even the international community have expressed their first signs of support for the next government led by Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico

Jorge Familiar


I congratulate @lopezobrador_ on his election as President of Mexico. @BancoMundialLAC we reiterate our support for the development of the country and the well-being of Mexicans.

Claudio X. González


Congratulations and the best and most successful to the elected President of Mexico, @lopezobrador_. It suits him and Mexico is doing well. To collaborate in all that is possible and to resist in what is due. We all go through Mexico.

Ricardo B Salinas P


Together, we must be ready to remind you that these promises can not be forgotten, nor in the trash of political pragmatism. Let's go to the future with confidence and unity. In this way, we will go better and sooner we will have a country where we are all prosperous

Rodrigo Herrera A


We are Mexicans and today we are all here to build a great country, we must be united and support the new democratically elected president @lopezobrador_ Let the world see that all of Mexico is ONE! President Genomma LAb



The presidents of the organizations that make up the CCE recognize the participation of citizenship on this election day, and congratulates Andrés Manuel López Obrador @lopezobrador_ that trends favor as Mexico's elected president.

Gael Garcia Bernal


What a thrill, chingao! And United Latin America

They are already beginning to recognize those who have lost. For the future and the common good: EVERYONE to chamber it and ask for the best, the different and the kind. And follow him …

Epigmenio Ibarra


Let the world know today that # EleccionesMexico2018 could more the courage and dignity of citizens and the old ways of a corrupt regime that refuses to die.

Vote with conscience, freedom and joy. Let's say #FraudeNo and start the transformation of Mexico.

Evo Morales Ayma


Our warmest congratulations to Brother President-elect @lopezobrador_ for his overwhelming victory in the elections # Mexico. We are sure that your government will write a new page in the history of Latin American dignity and sovereignty.

Margarita Zavala


Congratulations to @lopezobrador_ for the triumph that marks the trends that are beginning to make themselves known. I wish you success in your government for the good of Mexico and all Mexicans.

Lydia Cacho


Nobody should sing victory. Elections are the first step; What we do with ElDíaDespués to build democracy, justice, freedom of the press and equity, must be massive, congruent and sustainable.

Diego Luna


It seems like it's a fact … They'll We all stay.

Felipe Calderón


The citizens decided; I congratulate @lopezobrador_ for winning the election today. As a Mexican, I want him to do well and that he governs with good sense and honesty, attentive to what his subordinates do. In what I do well, you will have my full support.

Jaime Rodríguez Calderón "El Bronco"


The trends do not favor me in this election, I congratulate @lopezobrador_ for the result. This independent struggle is not over yet, we have a lot of work to do and it is important that we work hand in hand with citizens and governments. #ProhibidoRosen.

Salvador Sánchez


My sincere congratulations to Andrés Manuel López Obrador for the victory obtained in the presidential elections in Mexico

With @lopezobrador_ we will continue to strengthen the deep bonds of friendship based on the well-being of our peoples # EleccionesMéxico2018 President of the Republic of El Salvador. [19659002]

León Krauze


This is a historic triumph for @lopezobrador_ because historic is the overwhelming repudiation of the government of Enrique Peña Nieto, of his candidates for the post of governor and Jose Antonio Meade



WIN! Won a country that will finally have a change !! Congratulations @lopezobrador_ for this great triumph, not to give up, now we must all work, together we will make history to rebuild the country and have the Mexico we all deserve! #AMLO.

Alejandro Martí

@Alejandro_Marti ]

The victory of @lopezobrador_ must be to build a united MEXICO, without divisions. We all want justice, we do not want violence, we do not want more corruption. We trust the good will of the new President of MEXICO to continue building the country we all want.

Ifigenia Martínez


Thirty years ago we began this arduous struggle, today we let's see crystallized our vows at @lopezobrador_'s hand is a crucial day for the Mexican left has achieved a historic triumph, we will fill the people of Mexico!

Ernesto Samper


Congratulations to Andrés Manuel López Obrador (@lopezobrador_). His triumph has a Latin American dimension that will undoubtedly result in a strengthening of social solidarity in # Mexico and in the region President of Colombia (1994-1998) and Secretary General of UNASUR (2014-2017 ). to Andrés Manuel López Obrador ( @lopezobrador_ ). His triumph has a Latin-American dimension that will undoubtedly result in an impulse of social solidarity in # México and in the region # MexicoElige

– Ernesto Samper P. (@ernestosamperp) 2 July 2018

Juan Manuel Santos


Congratulations to Andrés @lopezobrador_ for his electoral victory in Mexico. I hope you maintain the excellent relations we have had between our two countries. President of Colombia

Cristina Kirchner


This Sunday, presidential elections in Mexico. Andrés Manuel López Obrador is a hope not only for Mexico, but for the whole region. #AMLO

Dilma Rousseff


"Building the strength for L & # 39; friend of the Mexican people chose Andrés Manuel López Obrador this Sunday.It will be a victory not only of Mexico, but of all Latin America. "

Donald Trump

@ RealDonaldTrump

"Congratulations to Andrés Manuel López Obrador to be the next president of Mexico, I really want to work with him, there is a lot to do that benefits both the United States and Mexico! "

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