EPN orders provide for the avoidance of accidents such as Tultepec


President Enrique Peña Nieto instructed the Secretariats of the Interior and National Defense to undertake, together with the state and the municipal authorities, a plan of action to avoid the Repetition of events as yesterday in Tultitlán, where 24 people lost their lives following the explosion of a pyrotechnics workshop

After expressing their condolences to relatives of those who died during these events, as well as to the injured, including members of the security services, civil protection and civil protection the Federal Executive manifested the disposition of the Government of the Republic to regularize the work of craftsmen in this municipality mexiquense

To lead the ceremony of inauguration of the new facilities of the Military School of Engineers, in Naucalpan, State of Mexico, claimed that the pyrotechnics artisans deserve to work so us the protection of a bigger order.

Read: Render hom Reject firefighters killed by explosions in Tultepec

The development of pyrotechnics is recognized throughout the country, but (artisans) deserve to work in a larger order, d & # 39; to have optimal conditions for the performance of their work, to receive a In 1965, accompanied by the Governor of the State of Mexico, Alfredo del Mazo, Peña Nieto announced that for this purpose he instructed the Chiefs of the Interior and National Defense to develop a plan for the future. avoid tragedies like this.

Avoid that events like this, which have already occurred several times in this municipality of Tultepec, are repeated, given the very poor balance left by the people who lost their families, "he said.

Del Mazo announces measures against pyrotechnic accidents

The governor of the State of Mexico, Alfredo Del Mazo Maza, announced that National, Federal and Municipal authorities have decided to apply a series of stricter regulations for the manufacture and sale of fireworks in the municipality of Tultepec.
The above, with the aim of avoiding catastrophic accidents Among the measures agreed, stated that a license regularization campaign, the training of fireworks craftsmen, sanctions to those who work without an official license will be carried out

Federal, state and local authorities unicipales, we commit ourselves to carry out the following actions: Realize, under the direction of the Secretariat of the National Defense, regularization campaigns on the permits, train pyrotechnic craftsmen and update their workshops, "he said.

In addition, sanctions will be applied to those who work without authorization. required and strictly supervise the issuance and renewal of the same and implement a protocol of action between the various organs of emergency to act in the event of incidents.

At the inauguration of the Military School of Engineers, led by President Enrique Peña Nieto He also recognized the heroism of the elements of the security forces who, in coming to the rescue of the victims of A first explosion, lost their lives as a result of further explosions.

I recognize the heroism of our police and firefighters, women and men who have acted with great responsibility and courage to save the lives of the people, even at the cost of theirs. The life and dedication of these men fills us with pride for all Mexicans, "he said.

He also reiterated the commitment and solidarity of his administration to support the relatives of the victims as well as the victims. injured who are currently suffering in recovery in several medical centers of the entity and Mexico City.

Read: 13 of 54 injured by explosions in Tultepec leave the hospital [19659003Tothefamiliesofthecivilservantskilledduringthisemergencysituationtheheadofstateexpressedhissolidarityandassuredthemthesupportofhisadministration

Alfredo Del Mazo also acknowledged the achievements of the President Enrique Peña in the Armed Forces, since the beginning of his administration, commitment to the integrity and well-being of those who have chosen the path of arms to serve the country.

In this campus of the system d & rsquo; # 39; ed Military Academy, located in Cam Po Militar No. 1-K, in Lomas de San Isidro, Naucalpan Municipality, six engineering courses are offered, in addition to six postgraduate courses and their academic programs are approved by the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena).

The inaugurated facilities have a building area of ​​38 thousand square meters, on 4.4 hectares, and have 27 buildings, such as a library, laboratories, auditorium, classrooms, halls of art. Cadet accommodation, offices, dining room, sports complex, among other spaces

With the information of Notimex


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