EPN's daughter sends advice to López Obrador's children


Paulina Peña Pretelini, daughter of President Enrique Peña Nieto, sent a message to the sons of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, winner of the last presidential elections.

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By the new function "Questions", implemented on Instagram Stories, the eldest daughter of the president answered questions that her followers sent her on this platform.

One of the questions he received was: What would you advise the children of MX's future presidents? change in their personal life?

Since her father assumed the presidency almost six years ago, Paulina Peña has been the target of several criticisms in social networks, so it was interesting to know what advice she could give to José Ramón López Beltrán, Gonzalo Alonso, Andrés Manuel and Jesús Ernesto, son of López Obrador, who will be "the children of the president" from December 1st.

This was his

  EPN's daughter sends advice to AMLO's sons
(Image taken from Instagram).

EPN's daughter sends advice to the sons of AMLO

He also gives his opinion on the profession of his son. dad:

  EPN girl sends advice to AMLO sons
(Instagram image)

EPN girl sends advice to sons from AMLO

And talks about his plans for next year:

  The EPN girl sends a tip to the sons of AMLO
(picture taken from ; Instagram).

EPN girl sends advice to AMLO sons

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