Erectile dysfunction could be a thing of the past with this medicine.


Alexander Gerschman, Russian Urologist Director of Institute of Modern Urology of the United States, reported that scientists have standardized the procedure with which erectile dysfunction; the process has already been approved in several countries of the world and patented under the name "Caverstem".

[Para estar informad@: Marte, el planeta más viable de colonizar].

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA, for his acronyms in English) approved the product; treatment consists of subtracting 20 milliliters of blood of the pelvic bones, which has a high content of mesenchymal cells, one of the types of mother cells more active

  • The stolen must be treated and injected into the penis of the patient.
  • Said blood generates new blood vessels What improve circulation in the virile member.

As, Dmitri Pushkar, Chief Urologist of the Russian Ministry of Health and Dean of the Faculty of Urology of the Moscow Medical University, added:

"Unlike the pills and methods that have been used up to now, which only treat the symptoms and have disadvantages because they do not produce the expected effects and last for a short time, the new regenerative method solves the problem."

The evidence

Alexander Gerschman reported that the method had started to practiced a year ago and half in 40 patients of United States and two of Russia, showing a high level of efficiency and just be more injections in severe caseswhen patients had previously extirpation of the prostate.

[Puedes leer: Algunas personas aman más a los perros que a otros humanos: estudio].

The new method is already approved in several countries and its efficiency and safety they have been tested in other parts of the body no side effects. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 15% men suffer erectile dysfunction, a complicated percentage The elders.

Erectile dysfunction it is defined as:

"Impossibility of having an erection of the male sex organ, maintaining it until the end of the sexual act or being weak.To be diagnosed, the symptoms must last at least three months and the sexual problem leads to others, such as depression or coronary heart disease. "

How to reduce the risk of suffering from this disease?

The patient must avoid:

  • L & # 39; obesity
  • Smoking
  • Hormonal treatments and consumption of certain drugs.

Men should have healthy habits, play sports and eat healthy.

Factors beyond the patient's control:

  • Vascular disorders
  • Injuries in the area.
  • Sequelae of surgical procedures.
  • Diseases like diabetes.

You should also consider the hormonal aspectbecause, according to the origin, men usually present different levels of hormones involved in the libido and the erection. Hence the importance of the method "Caverstem", Since" in every locality there will be a different population"

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