Erika Halvorsen, screenwriter of the film Pampita, is expressed after the complaint for child pornography


You will love the man of your sister the movie with which Pampita debuted on the big screen, is on everyone's lips because of the denunciation made by an American woman, who was outraged to see two girls (who played the model and Mónica Antonópulos as a child) in a sexual context.

In the scene, the girl who plays Ophelia, the character of Carolina Ardohain, kneels, with a cushion between her legs, imitating a runner who watches on TV. The game quickly turns into a moment of pleasure, which is suggested by the baby's restless breathing and by the phrase we hear later: "The day I had my first orgasm, I knew the effect of barbiturates My mother diagnosed me with epilepsy and she treated me without hesitation, her pills have cleared everything but nothing has happened cleared this first burn.

A PJ Media reporter, Megan Fox, reported the film to the FBI and the Department of Justice for showing child pornography and redirecting her to the National Children's Center disappeared and exploited. This body has confirmed that it will begin an investigation into the film, directed by Diego Kaplan.

  Erika Halvorsen, writer of Desearás at the head of the hermenade
Erika Halvorsen, screenwriter of Desearás al hombre of tu hermana

Erika Halvorsen, scriptwriter of the film and author of the book that tells the story history, broke the silence on Twitter after such an accusation. "I ask the FBI lords to investigate our clitoris, they will be surprised, we women come with an organ designed for pleasure and we discovered it as a girl, who offends and raises suspicions, lords of the FBI, I give you a hint: " Erika spoke about the subject in his social networks. "src =" "srcset =" // /sites/default/files/styles/embed_image/public/2018/06/29/5b36d46b097b6_erika.jpg 1080w, // 29 / 5b36d46b097b6_erika.jpg 720w "/>

Erika spoke about the issue in his social networks

In dialogue with ] TN Show Erika said that will not give more relevance about and that "pacatos and castradores there will always be". For their part, the producers of "Desearás al hombre de tu hermana" and the relatives of the girl in question preferred to keep silence.

  scene of the film that sparked the controversy.
The scene of the film that sparked the controversy.
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