EU imposes new fine on Google for $ 5,000 million


Regulators of the European Union Defeat Google with a record antitrust fine of $ 5 billion (4 thousand 343 million euros) for use from his mobile operating system Android to squeeze their rivals.

The fine is almost double the previous record sanction of 2 thousand 400 million euros (2 thousand 788 million, approximately) imposed on the American technology company last year for its online shopping search service

The fine represents just over two weeks of revenue for Google's parent company, Alphabet and would barely affect its reserves of cash of $ 102,900 million. But it could be added to a trade war between Brussels and Washington.

Google said that it would appeal the fine.
"Android has created more options for all, not least: a vibrant ecosystem, rapid innovation and lower prices are classic brands of strong competition," the company said.

The head of the antitrust agency of the European Union, Margrethe Vestager, and the President of the Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker will meet the US President Donald Trump at the White House next Wednesday in an effort to avoid new tariffs on EU cars as part of Trump's complaints about the US trade deficit.

Vestager also ordered Google to stop anti-competitive practices in contractual agreements with smart phone manufacturers and in the next 90 days or to be subject to additional penalties ranging up to 5 percent of the global daily billing of Alphabet.

"Google has used Android as a means of consolidating the dominance of its search engine, which has robbed its rivals of the ability to innovate and compete on merit, depriving European consumers of the benefits of "Effective competition in the important mobile sphere," said Vestager.

Some of the leading Android device manufacturers, including Samsung, Sony, Lenovo and TCL, declined to comment on the case of the EU.

The FairSearch lobby, whose 2013 complaint triggered the EU's investigation, welcomed the decision.
[Android90] Android, which handles about 80% of the world's smartphones according to the market research company Strategy Analytics is the most important case of a trio of antitrust investigations against Google.

A third case of the EU, which is not yet complete, includes Google's product AdSense . The antitrust authorities stated that the platform prevented third parties using your product from posting search ads on search engine competitors.

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