EU lawmakers criticize Trump's performance against Putin


PHOENIX.- The Republican Senator, John McCain criticized President Donald Trump at the joint press conference with Russian President Vladimir Putin . He argued that it was "one of the most shameful actions of an American president in history".

McCain's statement was supported by Republican senators and congressmen who disgusted Trump's behavior during his meeting with Putin in Helsinki, Finland.

McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a frequent critic of Trump, said in a statement that "no previous president has humiliated himself abjectly before a tyrant".

At the summit, Trump seemed to accept Putin's refusal to intervene in the 2016 US elections, neglecting the evidence gathered by US intelligence agents.

At the press conference, the US president said the two countries were responsible for their problematic relations and seemed to capitulate to Putin's refusal to intervene in the elections.

Last week, 12 Russian military intelligence officers were indicted by United States Department of Justice to participate in a powerful piracy program as part of the Kremlin's efforts to undermine elections. from 2016

"The damage inflicted by naivety, selfishness, false equivalence and sympathy for President Trump's autocrats is difficult to calculate," McCain said in the statement.

"He and Putin seemed to be talking about the same scenario, since the president had deliberately chosen to defend a tyrant against the fair questions of a free press and to give Putin an unquestionable platform to launch propaganda and lies at home. world".

The senator stated that Trump's performance could not be attributed solely to a poorly prepared and inexperienced president.
Instead, he said, Trump appeared to deliberately ignore "Putin's violent indifference to the sovereignty of his neighbors, his complicity in the massacre of the Syrian people, his violation of international treaties and his assault on the institutions." democratically throughout the country ". world. "

The fact that Trump was accompanied by experienced and "patriotic" assistants worsened his performance, McCain said.

Republican Senator from Arizona, Jeff Flake also issued a statement, saying that Trump's actions were "shameful".

"I would have never thought of seeing the day our American president would come on the scene with the Russian president and blame the United States for the Russian aggression," writes Flake in a message on Twitter.

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