EU tariffs could affect BMW's investments


US tariffs on imported cars could lead BMW to reduce its investments and jobs in that country because of the large number of vehicles it exports from its South Carolina plant, warned German automaker .

The government of President Donald Trump opened an investigation last month to determine whether vehicle imports posed a threat to national security and Trump threatened to impose a tariff on all imports of assembled vehicles in the European Union. "National auto manufacturing has no apparent correlation with US national security," wrote BMW in a letter to US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross this week, adding that the imposition of fares will only increase. not growth or growth. The competitiveness of the United States

The BMW South Carolina plant is the largest in the world and She said that Chinese tariffs on US passenger cars, taxes in retaliation against US fares against Chinese products, have already grown more than 70% of its annual output to other export markets.

In addition, higher tariffs on components imported into the United States would make other production locations outside the country more competitive.

"All of these factors would greatly increase the costs of exporting passenger cars to the US These US markets and would impede market access for BMW in these jurisdictions," said German automaker in the letter. "

" This could lead to greatly reduced export volumes and negative effects on investment and employment in the United States ", he

Two major automobile trade groups said earlier this week that the imposition of tariffs of up to 25% on imported vehicles would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs, would increase dramatically the prices of vehicles and would threaten the expenses of the industry for autonomous cars [f. n, t, s)
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