Eugenia León sings "las mañanitas & # 39; in Saltillo for his 441 years


Since Eugenia León released her first album in 1983 titled "Así te Quiero", the singer did not stop shooting the Mexican Republic with her band of musicians, which made her worth be known in every region of the country and consolidate a successful career in which he recorded albums like "Juego con Fuego" of 1991, "Tangos" in 1995, "Corazón Mexicano" of 1998, "Tatuajes "In 2003," Fist of Earth "of 2008," Citizen of the World ", volumes 1 and 2, in 2013, among many others.

" We have a very different show, we made a composite mix of the new album, titled 'Una Rosa Encendida', as some of my songs from my 'black past' ", That is to say from my previous discography.They will even listen to things that I may have never recorded, but I feel that they fit in perfectly with the music." opportunity and in the mood of the public, there will be everything, there will be more joy than sadness " says the interpreter enthusiastically. ESTRELLA
In 1985, the singer won first place at the prestigious OTI Festival in Seville, Spain, with the song "El Fandango Aquí" by Marcial Alejandro . Recently, some of the winners of the contest paid tribute to her and highlighted the extraordinary talent of Eugenia León, who has performed in France, Japan, New York, Cartagena, Germany, Brazil, Morocco and Beijing. and in Egypt. They were the big winners of the ITO, because really my participation there is an anecdote that another day I will tell you, because there was a bit of luck and a song out of it. 39; ordinary. Yoshio, Imelda, Mario Pintor, they were all our teachers and I greatly appreciate that they mention me, because I have a very special affection for them ", added.

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