Eugenio Derbez and Jaime Camil unite for immigrants


UNITED STATES.- Mexican Actors Eugenio Derbez and Jaime Camil participated in the mega march "Families get together", at the City Hall of Los Angeles, where they joined about 55,000 people to protest against the "zero tolerance" policy of US President Donald Trump, which resulted in the separation of immigrant families.

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"Today, I was in a march to raise my voice for the rights of immigrants They do not know the vibrations we feel when we are united and we unite as a race, a family. #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch ", read about Derbez account.

For her part, Camil walked alongside Gloria Calderón, producer and screenwriter of the Netflix series "One day at a time", with Justina Machado and Mishel Prada (of "Life"). [19659004] The support of the Latin American community in California was given directly, with actors and opinion leaders at the forefront of the vote in favor of maintaining the families.

On Saturday we saw Laura Dern, John Legend, Laverne Cox, Chrissy Teigen, rapper Taboo and Jon Favreau.

Information from the portal Who.

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