Euromoney recognizes Citibanamex for sustainable finance in Latin America


Photo: Special

Citibanamex was honored with the prize Euromoney at Excellence as M ejor Bank for Sustainable Finance in Latin America for the English magazine Euromoney one of the most relevant specialized publications on financial markets in the world.

The magazine highlighted the contribution of Citibanamex in terms of sustainable finance in Latin America, an essential vision The business model of the bank and which focuses on three strategic areas:

  • Financial inclusion : through the transfer platform, Citibanamex registered 3 million new accounts in 2017, of which 85% for the unbanked.
  • Social Investment: by issuing a bond worth 200 million pesos for CAME, the second largest micro-financial enterprise in Mexico, over 370,000 customers were served; 70% of them are female microentrepreneurs.
  • Community Development: with the issuance of infrastructure bonds worth 5 thousand 500 million pesos, 33 thousand schools in the country were improved in 2017

"The recognition of Euromoney is the result of the investment announced by Citibanamex in 2016 for 25 billion pesos to offer digital financial services of better quality, security and speed to our more than 21 million customers across the country, "said Ernesto Torres Cantú, managing director of Citibanamex

Sustainable finance is an essential part of Citibanamex's business model, given the size and complexity of the challenges and social and economic opportunities in Mexico, we recognize that no single organization can succeed in isolation Collaboration with government authorities, international agencies, clients s institutional, microfinance institutions and social organizations is an essential part of this work. The bank adds its experience and resources to support sustainable finance, aiming for more efficient and sustainable solutions.

The Euromoney Awards to Excellence reached their twenty-seventh annual edition and are recognized as one of the most prestigious in the international financial services industry . Created in 1992, they were the first of their kind in the global financial sector. This year, Euromoney has received nearly 1,500 applications from banks as part of a call covering 20 global awards, over 50 regional awards and Best Bank awards in nearly 100 countries.


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