Europe condemns new US sanctions against Iran


PARIS- France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the European Union (EU) on Friday condemned the United States to impose new sanctions on the Iranian economy, and promised to protect companies Europeans doing "legitimate" business with Tehran, they said in a joint statement.

"We deeply regret the reimposition of sanctions by the United States following its withdrawal from the Joint Global Action Plan (JCPOA), "says the joint statement referring to the 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran.

The agreement aimed to limit Iran's nuclear capabilities in exchange for relief from sanctions.

"We aim to protect European economic actors engaged in a legitimate trade with Iran," said the statement, signed by the director of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini and French foreign ministers, Jean-Yves Le Drian , from Germany, Heiko Mass, and the British Jeremy Hunt.

The nuclear agreement with Iran "is a major element of the global architecture of nuclear non-proliferation and multilateral diplomacy (…) .It is essential for the security of the world. Europe, the region and the world, "the statement added.

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"As signatories to the JCPOA, we are committed to working in particular to preserve and maintain operational financial channels with Iran and to ensure the continuity of Iran's oil and gas exports," he said. .

Europeans say that on "these and other issues, our work continues" and that "these efforts have intensified in recent weeks," the statement said.

Six months after being removed from the Iranian nuclear deal, the United States confirmed Friday that it would reinstate Monday the toughest sanctions against Tehran, including targeting oil and the banks.

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