European country approves sex change in 18-year-old documents


PORTUGAL.- Gender change indicated in the DNI at age 16, yes; but with a medical declaration. The Portuguese Parliament approved a modified version of the proposed "Gender Identity Law", which implies that people aged 16 and 17 can change their official documents – including the name in the civil register – to adapt them to their gender identity, although they need a medical report. The elderly can do without this clinical report, a novelty compared to the current law, which considered the essential medical analysis that the groups claimed for years to eliminate as "pathologizing", reports El País.

self-determination of the kind "refers only to the bureaucratic effects with the Administration, which also extends to the treatment of the student in the school. Under no circumstances are surgeries allowed to minors under 18 years of age.

In April, the law was approved by two votes, thanks to the favorable position of PS and Bloco de Esquerda and Social Democrat MP Teresa Leal. Coelho. The PC has abstained, and the PSD and the CDS have voted against. The novelty of the law was to reduce the age of sex change stated in public documents at age 16, without it being necessary to include a medical report confirming that the plaintiff had no mental pathology. 19659003] The text was rejected by President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, a practicing Catholic who, according to his custom, reasoned the veto and said it was not due to religious or ideological principles. According to him, the sex change indicated to 16-year-olds should be accompanied by a medical report. "The reason for this request," wrote the president, "should not be considered a pathology qualification or an abnormal mental situation, but rather with simpler considerations.The first is that it is important to leave to anyone who chooses the maximum of freedom or autonomy for the eventual reweighting of his option, if it was the case.The opinion of the medical report can help confirm the aforementioned election without the predetermine. "

Returned the text, Parliament had the option of approving it without any modification causing friction with the first authority in the country – the politician with a plus great popular support – or change it. If the groups supporting him were in favor of following the president's advice, they disagreed on the form.

Bloco tried that the request for a change of sex in the official documentation be accompanied by two testimonies, as if it were a civil marriage; but it did not prosper because of the PS's refusal to offer medical support, but not as a clinical report, but as a mere testimony of the petitioners' wishes. This inclusion was enough for the CP to vote in favor of the new text, "although we would have preferred that the requirement of the medical declaration be not only for the under-18s," said Communist MP António Filipe

. the left-wing deputies they went to the bancada of the right to maintain the requirement of a pathologizante medical report, against the opinion of the president of the country and up to its partners in l & # 39; 39; Europarlamento. While the Socialist Isabel Alves Moreira welcomed the end of the medical examinations in case of a simple change of sex in the DNI, the MP Sandra Cunha (BE) recalled that in June the World Health Organization (WHO) Withdrew Transsexuality from Mental Illness Registration

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