Evaluate in ALDF an extraordinary on the reconstruction process


  Claudia Sheinbaum participated yesterday in the meeting of Andrés Manuel López Obrador with elected governors and legislators. Photo: Eduardo Jiménez

Claudia Sheinbaum participated yesterday in the meeting of Andrés Manuel López Obrador with elected governors and legislators. Photo: Eduardo Jiménez


The elected head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum said that she will meet today the caucus Morena at 39. Legislative Assembly to evaluate whether it is necessary to call an extraordinary period to approve the outstanding sections on the process of reconstruction, related to the delivery of economic support to the victims .

In an interview before the meeting that the President-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, held with governors and elected officials, Sheinbaum said that part of the discussions will focus on whether the Ministry of Finance or the head of the government, José Ramón Amieva, has the power to modify the budget allocated to the reconstruction and to avoid a process more delayed by the law.

It would be only the question of the estimates that would move the funds, that is to say, or that I understand, but we will see it with the members. We will see, there is good communication with the head of the government, we will evaluate it with the deputies and from there we decided, "he said

on the first meeting that his commission of Transition will hold today with the current leader .As for the reconstruction, Sheinbaum said that the main goal will be to obtain information on how the entire process has been managed and executed.

What happened to the reconstruction resource, how it was used, if it has not been used yet, what is the city government's approach to support because there is some of the support that has nothing to do with the credits? ", he said,

when he is installed, he will maintain communication with the legislators of the Morena caucus to ensure a transparent and autonomous process in the conformation of the Attorney General's Office and u local anti-corruption system.

Constitution, we do not want it to be anything other than transferring the current prosecutor's office to the autonomous prosecutor's office, with all the inertia and all the problems of the current prosecutor's office and we will propose a procedure " , he said. the topics we are interested in, which I mentioned in the campaign, such as the anti-corruption system in Mexico City and the autonomous prosecutor's office, which must be a complete process. "

Sheinbaum said that the next two weeks will be devoted to studying who could conform his cabinet .



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