Even though it's cloudy, take care of your skin


Skin cancer takes the life of a person every 52 minutes in the world, says UNAM

In the daily comings and goings, with sudden changes in climate, without we noticed it, we are vulnerable to countless inconveniences that can bring us big problems, one of them is to expose us to the rays of the sun, being our skin the one who suffers the consequences Who has not gone out for a walk and on return his skin is divided between a red color and a paler one?

What is most bizarre of all this is that many of these times there is no sun, that is to say that the sky is completely cloudy and even then our skin blushed.

In our society we are convinced that we must associate exposure to the sun's rays directly with the burning of our skin and that, on the contrary, if it is cloudy, our skin is safe; is a myth According to Gabriela Xospa, dermatologist at DioMed hospital, not using products that protect our skin like sunscreen, even in the absence of sunlight, can severely damage our skin and lead to more complex diseases.

It is important to remember that the skin is the largest organ of our body, so it is sensitive to diseases caused by solar radiation.

Data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that Mexico ranks first in skin cancer in men and third in women. While the Autonomous University of Mexico notes that greater exposure to sunlight influences skin cancer to take the life of a person every 52 minutes in the world.

It should be emphasized that the incidence of skin problems increases in young people, it is for this reason that the Hospital DioMed shares some recommendations so that your skin does not suffer any damage.

* Always use sunscreen, even in cloudy weather, by ultraviolet light through clouds.

* Wear a hat and goggles with ultraviolet protection.

* Use sunscreen 30 minutes before sun exposure and replace every two hours.

* Avoid sun exposure between eleven o'clock in the morning and four o'clock in the afternoon.

* Wear clothes that can protect you, such as long pants or long-sleeved blouses.

It is important to keep in mind that it is essential to perform routine examinations that must be supervised and evaluated by a medical specialist.


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