Evidence indicates Santiago Galindo's suicide


The Prosecutor General's Office is continuing its investigations to resolve the case of Televisa producer Santiago Galindo, found dead Wednesday morning in his vehicle. In this sense and on the basis of tests carried out on the body, the hypothesis of suicide was reinforced

It was after the producer's vehicle, a type KIA Optima, white, was found the Weapon he used to take his life. Experts have revealed that depending on the body's position, the injuries produced by the revolver as well as the sodium rhodizonate tests indicate that he has committed suicide.

The news caused consternation among those who knew him. His cousin Rubén Galindo, with whom he worked for 20 years in the production of telenovelas, reality shows and series, described him, in an interview with EL UNIVERSAL, with a phrase: "It was a great son, a big brother, a grandfather … and a big cousin. "

He said that, as always, he had been in contact with him but that because of his proximity and in anticipation of the results of the investigations, he did not even want to go into detail

. As part of the investigation, the capital's attorney general was instructed to examine the region's security cameras, questioning witnesses who reported the detonation as well as relatives, who said the Televisa producer had never given samples. to be depressed or indications of wanting to take life

For this reason, an investigation file has been launched for the crime of homicide for other causes .

According to information gathered, the alleged suicide was recorded shortly after 8:00, while Santiago Galindo had just left his house.

Latin Lover was another who knew the producer very well since he coincided with him in several projects. Since 2005, he has been part of programs such as Bailando por un sueño, Reyes de la pista, First International Dance Championship and Pequeños Gigantes, produced by Galindo

"I remember him as a very persevering man, very reserved , creator of dreams, because it was him, visionary, the last thing I did with him and with Rubén Galindo was the Lupita series of Alessio, who was more open to talking was Rubén, Santiago was more serious but equally creative. "

A similar opinion to Juan José Origel, who worked with Santiago in Parodiando and since then has a good memory. "His unfortunate loss is a surprise, I liked him a lot because during all of Parodia's seasons, he and his cousin treated me very well."

Origel recalled that Santiago, unlike Rubén, was a person serious but very kind. "He was a good man.Many times you do not have to be a talkative person to love you, I loved him a lot in life and I am very surprised." [19659002] Hectro Sandarti said, "I remember him as a very calm man, very focused on his work, in your family, reserved.I did not really get close to him like Rubén, because Santiago was very focused on his job, but I had the opportunity to live with him a lot and with his wife too. "

The last time he saw him was on Televisa. Sandarti says that he went to say goodbye to him because he goes to Telemundo: "At one of the visits I met him in the hallways, I approached him. he greeted me, I told him that I was going to live in Miami, and I remember that he told me that he was happy about it and that it was a great opportunity for me and he wished me the best of luck.This happened just a month ago. "

Producer Juan Ososrio emphasized legacy that he left to the TV channel, where he produced two realities a year: "He was a man with a lot of professionalism and dedication.It showed in every project.You could see the l & rsquo; evolution, and a demonstration of the passion that he had.It is a big hole.For the producers of Televisa, it is a difficult chair to fill. "


" We are all extremely surprised s and dismayed by what happened this morning, "said Rubén about the death of his cousin Santiago Galindo. , “gran cómplice” de Rubén Galindo” border=”0″/>  Santiago Galindo, on

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