Evo Morales and the Foreign Ministry of Argentina congratulate Obrador


The president of Bolivia Evo Morales congratulated through a tweet (posted on his timeline ), to López Obrador for what. it describes as a "resounding triumph" in the election of the presidency of the Republic .

The native chief warns that with the "victory" of the candidate of the coalition J untos Haremos Historia will "write a new page in the history of dignity and Latin American sovereignty ".

Until 21:30 only ] Morales had expressed a message of support to the one who emerges today as the virtual winner of the race. However, the Chancery of Argentina through a statement, celebrated the democratic day held in Mexico .

"Argentina underlines this new expression of the democratic maturity of the Mexicans, They expressed their will to continue their development and to progress by placing their trust in the direction of Andrés M. López Obrador Said a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

welcoming and congratulating this virtual triumph, he added "The Argentine government reaffirms its willingness and willingness to continue working to deepen bilateral relations with Mexico."

He also chose to "continue to build a stable, integrated Latin America based on democracy, respect for human rights and always committed to the common goal to consolidate the prosperity and well-being of our peoples . "

In addition to these messages of support, international personalities should join in the congratulations of the candidate who heads the coalition Morena, PES and PT .

Also, at 10 pm, the president of the United States, Donald Trump congratulated An Drés Manuel López Obrador "for becoming the next President of Mexico." In his message posted on the microblogging network Twitter ] the American president warned of his desire to "work" with Obrador


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