Evo Morales asks Mexico to confront the empire


La Paz.- The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales made an appeal to Mexico where are held today General Elections to which " look to the south " of the region to face together " the assault of the empire".

" Reaffirm our call for Mexico to look south so that the base united to our Latin American identity we face the onslaught of the empire ", writes Morales on his Twitter account.

Photo: EFE.

In addition, he greeted the Mexican people who chose the next president of this country and 3,400 other officials.

The Leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador is a favorite in the polls

The President of the National Institute of Mexico Lorenzo Cardoya, noted that election day is " normally " although there have been two killings today.

In this article:

  • Bolivia
  • Evo Morales
  • Mexico
  • Empire

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