Evo Morales congratulates López Obrador


La Paz.- Bolivian President Evo Morales congratulated Sunday the Mexican presidential candidate of the left Andrés Manuel López Obrador who won by a large majority the elections in Mexico, according to the polls to the mouth of the urn.

"Our warmest congratulations to Brother President-elect López Obrador for his overwhelming victory in the Mexican elections, and we are confident that his government will write a new page in the history of Latin American dignity and sovereignty. ". Morales on his Twitter account.

A few hours earlier, the Bolivian left-wing leader asked the next president of Mexico to " look south " to confront together the " bombings " of the United States .

"Reaffirm our call for Mexico to look south, so that, united on the basis of our Latin American identity, we can face the onslaught of the empire ", he tweeted Morales which usually calls the United States an" empire ".

In this note:

  • Elections 2018
  • AMLO
  • Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
  • Evo Morales
  • Congratulations

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