Ex Vegan explains why no one else should become vegan


"For some to live, others must die." With this maxim, Ivy Keith has decided to conclude 20 years of veganism. He has gathered his experiences to prepare the publication entitled The Vegetarian Myth (Captain Swing, 2018, The Vegetarian Myth, PM Press, 2009), in which he tries to demolish the main arguments of veganism and vegetarianism, because for her, Does not bring diets. healthier, neither to save the planet nor to reduce famines; Adempas to affirm that the required ethics does not correspond to humanity.

Therefore, he is also quoted at the end of the introduction of the book: "I am ready to plead" for those who read the book to abandon veganism or vegetarianism they follow him and if not do not even think about following him.

Between 1980 and 2000 Keith maintained his vegan diet; but after two years of wearing, he began to have very serious health problems. Derivative in a degenerative joint disease; with symptoms such as depression, exhaustion, removal of the ruler, skin so dry that it hurts to move your knees and elbows.

However the debate dictates Is it the fault of the vegan diet? Even the omnivorous diet could trigger illnesses, not any diet, including the vegan diet, while it's well-planned will not bring any complications. As the nutritionist Aitor Sánchez García talks about the current situation of diets based on vegetables.

However, veganism is directed beyond the diet because much of the ideology is based on an ethics that disapproves acts such as exploitation, death and consumption of non-human animals in all spheres of life: cosmetics and hygiene products and even clothing. As sums it well Ivy "The word vegetarian does not only define what you eat or what you believe in. It defines who it is, and it is a totalitarian identity."

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