Exact time of the volcanic bomb that hit a tourist ship in Hawaii


On Monday, 23 people were injured in Hawaii when a tourist boat from the Lava Tours line came too close to the marine limits of Kilauea's volcanic activity. Although there was no death, a woman had to be transferred to a hospital in Honolulu for a hip fracture. The others had burns and light blows.

A volcanic bomb leaves 23 tourists injured in Hawaii

In the last hours, a video began to circulate on the exact moment when a volcanic bomb surprised the Hawaiian ship. The video generated a surprise in social networks, impressed by the tourist interest that woke the Kilauea volcano. Although it is forbidden to approach the coast of the affected area, tourists pay up to $ 250 per person to get as close as possible to the volcanic spectacle.

Prior to this incident, the Coast Guard imposed a 50-meter limit on experienced operators, but as of this Monday, no boat may be within 300 meters of the point where the lava comes into contact with the sea. On the other hand, tourism boat operators have rejected the idea of ​​suspending trips to the volcanic area, since they represent their new – and unique – source of income.

Via Chicago Tribune.

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