Execute sect leader who attacked the subway with gas in Japan


Shoko Asahara, leader of an apocalyptic sect, was executed with several of his supporters for his involvement in the Sarin gas attack in the Tokyo subway in 1995 and other crimes , reported Friday the Japanese press

. The general secretary of the cabinet Yoshihide Suga confirmed the execution of Asahara but declined to comment on the others. Suga only said that the Department of Justice would make an announcement later on Friday.

The Japanese public broadcaster NHK reported that six followers of Asahara were also hanged, citing undisclosed sources. A total of 12 supporters were on death row with Asahara for the crimes, resulting in the death of 27 people. Asahara was 63 years old.

The subway attack was the most daring. Members of his sect, called Aum Shinrikyo drilled plastic bags to release sarin gas inside the wagons, killing 13 people and causing more afflictions. Six thousand

Founded in 1984, the sect has attracted many young people, including graduates of prestigious universities, among whom Asahara has chosen his closest allies.

The sect has accumulated chemical, biological, and conventional weapons to execute the crimes ordered by Asahara, before an apocalyptic confrontation with the government.

The sect claimed that she had 10 thousand members in Japan, in addition to 30 thousand more in Russia. It was dissolved, although about two thousand people continue their rituals in three dissident groups, which are monitored by the authorities.

Suga said that the authorities take precautionary measures in case of retaliation on their part. adepts


  • Asia
  • Japan
  • Execution
  • Deaths
  • Sects
  • Shoko Asahara
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