executed, narcomantas and attack to companies


Once again, the climate of violence in the state of Zacatecas intensifies, leaving behind a series of homicides, acts of intimidation of alleged criminals and the arrest of at least three members of organized crime in police operations. in the entity.

In less than 24 hours, three men were killed with machine guns and a woman seriously injured in events occurring in the municipality of Fresnillo, outside the San Juan Hotel, in the neighborhood of Luis Donaldo Colosio.

The preliminary report of the local authorities indicates that several people on board a compact vehicle surprised their victims by firing point-blank, no detainee was informed of the events.

Three victims of kidnapping are released

In a secret action in which agents of the three levels of government participated, three people were released by a commando in the community of Malpaso, municipality of Villanueva.

four men, who were in possession of firearms, drugs and tactical equipment.

Ismael Camberos Hernández, Secretary of Public Security (SSP) of the State, acknowledged the trust placed in the authorities, since the immediate denunciation

The complaint, which was answered by the 911 system, indicated that on Reforma Street in the Malpaso community, three men had been unlawfully deprived of their liberty.

Shooting, security elements asked the crew members to get off the unit to conduct a routine check; This is how they found that three other people were inside the unit, which had previously been unlawfully deprived of their liberty.

After this inspection, three .223 and 7.62 mm caliber weapons were secured. , as well as a short rifle of .380 millimeters and another caliber of 22 millimeters.

Twelve carriers for long weapons, two ballistic vests, two tactical vests and two portable radios were located. In addition, 200 doses of a granulated substance, similar to cocaine in the stone; 80 doses of white powder, similar to cocaine powder and 90 bags of clear plastic with green vegetables, similar to marijuana.

Following these events, four men were arrested, who identified themselves as Orlando N., 22 years old and from Durango State, as well as Jesus Eduardo N., Victor Hugo N. and Luis Fernando N., respectively 24, 27 and 31 years old.

Narcomantas dawn in 5 municipalities [19659005] In other events, an organized crime group has placed several narcomantas with a message addressed to the public, but especially to the officials of the Secretary of Public Security and the Governor of Zacatecas , Alejandro Tello Cristerna

. public places and bridges where they denounce the alleged intervention of the members of the forces of the order in the criminal acts.

The messages were posted in the municipalities of Ojocaliente, Trancoso, Fresni llo, Zacatecas and Guadalupe

They attack the stores in broad daylight

To accentuate the climate of insecurity, this Saturday at noon a group of heavily armed people traveling aboard a colorful Jeep Patriot truck They arrived at the historic center of the municipality of Guadalupe, in the street Luis Moya, and started firing with assault rifles on the facade of several companies located in this area, without reporting any injuries after the attack.

Metropolitan police, as well as state preventive police and the Mexican army surrendered to the scene of the accident where only dozens of .223 caliber rifles were fired by rifles AR-15 and 7.62 by Armas. known as Cuerno de Chivo

Although forensic services and the public prosecutor made a preliminary ruling, this adds up to a violent day It tries to scare traders so that They pay the right to the apartment to criminal groups operating in the area.

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