Executing the criminal director of Nuevo Laredo [Estados] – 07/08/2018


Tamaulipas .- The director of Nuevo Laredo's Center for the Execution of Sanctions (CEDES) was executed last night.

According to the Prosecutor General's Office of Tamaulipas (PGJE), Edgar Humberto Vega Ávalos was murdered at 20:30 hours when he was driving in his vehicle through Colonia Enrique Cárdenas González

The attack took place in the street Cerro del Cubilete, where the attackers opened fire.

After the incident, the staff arrived from the Expert Services and a public prosecutor's office of the common jurisdiction, while the PGJE informed that a record of investigation was initiated at night last.

Nuevo Laredo Prison has a history of escape and violence.

In December 2010, 152 inmates staged a megafuge, the country's largest until then, after a guard opened the door.

Four months later, in March 2011, the director of the same CEDES, Rebeca Nicasio Vázquez, was murdered during a prison visit.

Last year, the government of Tamaulipas, through the Ministry of Public Security, dismantled a clandestine palenque that operated in this prison, where it also seized drugs. spells and cell phones.

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