Expect to remove the army from the street in three years


Alfonso Durazo proposed as the next Secretary of Public Security by Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), virtual winner of the presidential election, believes that in three years there could be a "relevant" withdrawal of the army of the street.

"We will remove the army at the barracks while we train and professionalize the police," he said.

During an interview on a television news, he pointed out that this is the only responsible way to do it. 19659004] One of the biggest problems in the country is the weakness of security companies, especially municipal ones.

He added that once he takes office, he will order the government and launch the fight against corruption because "there is no crime organized or disorganized in the country and in the world that does not go along with police protection, but there is no police protection that does not go along with the protection of a senior official or of a high political. "

On the possibility of repealing the law on homeland security, pointed out that, for political strategy, the new government will wait until it decides the Supreme Court of Justice of the nation ([19459004SCJN)

"In one of those (the SCJN) he hears the national roar. Not only should the Supreme Court hear it, but the entire government should listen to it. We share the accusations that the civil society has expressed in a generalized way, "he added.

The law of internal security governs the actions of the army in the tasks of support to the police public security in the country However, it has been criticized by organizations and experts who argue that human rights violations could be increased.

The next government will also present to the Congress an initiative of amnesty law and will consider using pardons and other special measures to achieve the pacification of the country.

"If we spoke only of amnesty, it would appear as a discretionary power or initiative on the part of the President of the Republic. "

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