Explodes volcano in Indonesia | International


Indonesia- Mount Agung volcano in Bali threw ashes at 2,000 meters elevation on Thursday, forcing several airlines to cancel flights to the island's tourist island. Indonesia.

Winds could scatter ash to the southwest Bali and Java International Airport, the most densely populated island in the country, reported Darwin Regional Volcanic Ash Center, Australia .

Several flights were still going on, said Darta Pande, chief operating officer of Ngurah Rai International Airport.

Online flight information from the airport indicated that Australian airlines Jetstar, Virgin Australia and Qantas had canceled flights to and from the island. Korean Air and AirAsia also suspended some of them

. His public relations department reported that 26 incoming and outgoing international flights had been canceled, affecting nearly 5,000 travelers.

About 10 domestic flights were also canceled. As a result, more than 1,700 passengers were stranded.

The last time that Agung, located about 70 kilometers northeast of Kuta station in Bali, made a strong eruption in 1963, which caused the death of 1,100

L & rsquo; Last year, his business grew significantly and tens of thousands of people had to be deported, but by the beginning of this year he had calmed down. In February, the authorities reduced their level of alert at the highest level.

Indonesia, an archipelago inhabited by more than 250 million people, is in the Pacific Ring of Fire and is prone to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Government seismologists monitor more than 120 active volcanoes

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