Express dive lessons are given to children trapped in the cave of Thailand


A dozen schoolchildren and their football coach trapped in a cave in northern Thailand for 12 days began yesterday to learn swimming lessons and diving, the only way to leave the cave.

Soldiers, led by a military doctor, came to see young people to assess the evolution of their physical condition.

A new video published by the Thai Navy shows children inside the cave visibly thin and wrapped in thermal blankets. even laughing.

"The condition of most of them is good.They are tired and need time to recover.Some of them do not know how to swim and you have to teach them to dive.Weerachon Sukondhapatipak, spokesman for the government, said: "The absence of rain yesterday opened the hope of a rescue operation in the cave located in the Tham Luang Nature Park. Khun Nam Nang No, in the northern province of Chiang Mai. In addition, the incessant work of about twenty water extraction pumps drains about ten thousand liters per hour of flooded passages

"Diving is the only way out (…), we must try before the arrival of the rains. "Later, it will be more complicated," said Torsten Lechler, Technical Advisor Operations

"We have thirteen fragile people who have to dive, climb, dive and walk to new. Everyone is in good health, but they need a few days to recover their strength. "

" During the dive (children), they will face many challenges, such as: keep calm, no visibility, currents or cold waters, "warns Lechler

The activity is frantic at the entrance to the cave, where members of the Thai army elite and volunteers try to find the most "safe" exit plan

. Schoolchildren, aged 11 to 16, and their 26-year-old football coach, are fed energy supplements and vitamins, and the authorities estimate that rescue tasks can last from a week to a few months.

They set up a temporary camp in a cavity, about 1.5 kilometers from where the children are, to move rescue equipment little by little.

Health care teams yesterday proceeded to practices before a hypothetical evacuation of the victims' merger, which could be transferred to the hospital in four military helicopters stationed in the vicinity of the cave.

The group was found last Monday night on a firm island about four kilometers inside the cavern and after nine days of intense research involving more than 1,300 people.

According to the official version, the 13 entered galleries on Saturday, June 23 after a football training when a sudden storm began to flood the cavity and cut off the exit.

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