Extraordinaro, scenario proposed by the new government, says SNTE


The National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) evaluated the revisions that will be made to the Reform of Education by the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador as "extraordinary" scenario "To claim the rights of teachers.

The SNTE gathers the members of its general secretariat and announces its position by a communiqué.
The leader of the union, Juan Diaz de la Torre declared that "the scenario that presents itself is extraordinary to fulfill the commitments that we have with our partners: security of employment, security Social, Wages Professional Development ".

The members of the secretariat were summoned to different places of the Mexico City and the place of the meeting was not communicated to them. They were warned that they could be transferred by plane, but at the end the session was held in the country's capital.

There, they agreed that the Union will also seek to dialogue with the next legislators in order to meet the requirements of teachers and public schools, such as continuing professionalization, equipment in the classroom, connectivity and infrastructure.

They recalled that they asked permission to amend the General Law of the Professional Education Service which is consistent with the reform of the education .

"It was decided that they would continue with the requirement, begun two years ago, to amend the Professional Teaching Service Act, in order to prevent the different State educational authorities' interpretations of undermining the rights of teachers, all processes of the transformation of the education system are respected: income, development and permanence, among others, reliably guarantee stability of classmates' work, "they explain.

They also asked – with clear reference to the crimes for which the former leader was detained, Elba Esther Gordillo – that the union was not "used for patrimonial purposes".

Since the beginning of education reform, the SNTE has informed that it has received $ 1,900 million from the federal government solely in actions to promote the benefits of the reform of the education system. educate and prepare teachers for the implementation of the new model. ]

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