Facebook assigns 800,000 profiles after unlocking user accounts by mistake


Facebook has struggled with privacy breach problems after what happened at Cambridge Analityca and since then the inconvenience has not stopped for the company, which is becoming more and more prone to criticism for its "failures", which allow filtering

The most recent discovery is related to its applications, such as the case of the test "What Disney princess am I?", which occurred in taking data.

negative point is added to this social network, because apparently many user accounts that have been blocked by other users, have been unlocked, this situation has been announced by Facebook and has been attributed to an error in the platform.

Facebook and Instagram, allows us to block any user, for the reasons we want, either because he's run a comment against us, because he's used uneducated language against us or simply because it is not to our taste to see our profile. It is a measure taken by these social networks that help stop racial conflict, religion or simply a conflict.

In this sense and as we mentioned at the beginning, Facebook announced that more than 800,000 users were unblocked on June 5, also noting that about 83 percent of affected users had a single blocked person who was unblocked because of this error.

Although, Facebook ensures that people who have been affected by the unlocking of certain users have been informed of this fact, and that the error has been resolved, returning the unlocked people to their natural state (blocked by the user) again.

" This issue has now been resolved and all have been blocked again and affected people will receive a notification on Facebook inviting them to check their blocking list ," they say on the site.

This error does not release the company from the seriousness of this situation and adds a negative point to its repertoire.

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