Facebook closes these apps to be a "failure" | Trade | Technology and science | Social networks


In favor of the prioritization of popular applications on world markets, Facebook announced the decision to close the Hello, tbh and Moving on applications. This after reviewing its performance and finding that few people have used them in the next 90 days will disappear completely with the data generated by the user.

"We regularly review our apps to see which people are enjoying the most" Facebook in your ad. "Sometimes it means closing an application and its attached APIs We know that some people still use these applications and will be disappointed, and we would like to take this opportunity to thank them for their support."

According to the social network, they must "prioritize our work" so that we do not go too far, and it is only through trial and error that we will create great social experiences for people . But the "low use" by which they were eliminated could be a relative fact.

According to the Sensor Tower information cited by "TechCrunch", while Hello had only 570,000 downloads: tbh had 6.4 million and was spending 13 million The problem is that these numbers are ridiculous compared to billion that Instagram has, for example.

What they were

Moving on is a fitness application purchased by Facebook in 2014. It recorded the daily activity of the user, as the walking, cycling and running. The idea was to take advantage of people's physical activities to share their progress and thus generate more traffic and a "welcoming" environment for the sport.

Before being owned by Facebook had 4 million downloads. It was a promise, but the social network did not know how to grow it. Thus, in over a year, it has not been updated and is below the 600th position in the list of fitness applications.

Hello, meanwhile, appeared in 2015. This was part of a Facebook ] strategy to build more communication services and bridge the gaps between users. He focused on emerging markets, so he appeared on Android computers in Brazil. USA and Nigeria. It allowed people to link their accounts in the social network with their list of phone contacts to show their profile when they called.

The application came at a time when Facebook was exploiting the idea of ​​being part of the telecommunications market But the application has never increased, nor in geography nor in the features. They disappeared from the Android store on June 26th and will have disappeared on July 31st.

Finally, tbh was acquired in 2017. This is an unnamed social media application for high school students in the United States. When Facebook bought it, he was the only one in a market where the social network wanted to regain ground, but just let it "disappear".

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