Facebook could tell you which is the best filter for a photo according to your mood


One of the common practices related to the evolution of mobile devices and the importance of visual elements in social networks has been the taking of selfies, which has increased the number of people in the world. use of filters to improve the image. Facebook recognizes this phenomenon and wants to go ahead with a patent that will propose the best filter based on moods.

According to a report from Ofcom, until 2015, 1 million selfies were shared on social networks per day, of which 14 percent had a digital retouch . In fact, 36% users admitted to retouching their images before sharing them; twice as many as women

Three years later, with the birth of specialized platforms in this type of images, more sophisticated devices and a greater number of social network users , it is certain that these figures are growing exponentially

The social network of Mark Zuckerberg knows this and to facilitate the experience of its users by choosing the best filter for his photos he has patented a tool that chooses a filter Animated based on the mood of the person who is taking the picture

Up to 2015, 23.7 years was the average age of the selfies photoies

This has been reported by Mashable, who takes over a statement from the company detailing the operation of this patent: "For an expression of surprise, the mask is affected" surprised eyes ", if on the other hand it has an expression sad a filter called tears is selected year "

They also detail that the development is able to consider other factors such as location, profile data or even the content of the image itself. even to be more specific in what it delivers to the end user. "For example, if the user is in a zoo, is looking at a panda, and takes a" selfie "with an expression of happiness, the mask" happy panda "will be selected in taking into account the mood of the user and the animal

Although the development is interesting, it is true that we are only talking about one more patent, so we do not not yet sure if this particular resource will ever reach the hands of companies.MILLIONS of users who love selfies.


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