Facebook: "Michael Jackson" climbed into the ring and surprised everyone with a particular technique | WWE | Video | Viral | Social networks | trends


Wrestling keeps surprising us with the special characters that appear every day. Recently, a wrestling fan went to a fight without imagining that on that date a man named "Michael Jackson" would fight. The boy did not hesitate and recorded the battle of this warrior and then share it with his friends on Facebook.

The fan was shocked with this particular fighter since he wore the same clothes as the "king of pop" including imitated their manner of speaking and movements

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However, the moment that most impacted the struggling supporter was when "Michael Jackson" did his special technique. What is it? Nothing more and nothing less than the lunar passage. According to the Facebook video, the fighter took his foe off the head, performed the popular dance step and then applied a DDT.

"Awesome!" Exclaimed the boy seeing the technique he was applying "Michael Jackson" to his rival. Like him, Internet users were also speechless. "I would never have imagined that the king of pop could also fight," wrote a Facebook user.

The video has more than 4 million views, about 125,000 actions, over 40,000 reactions and hundreds of comments on Facebook. Without a doubt, "Michael Jackson" is the new celebrity of social media.

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