Facebook: Mother plaids warning after her newborn dying for a kiss [FOTOS]


October 25, 2018 8:15 am, time ..

A heartbreaking story began circulating on Facebook, about the case of a baby whose lungs and brain were damaged by a strange virus, which ended up in his days less than 8 days after his birth .

The cause of Aliza's unfortunate death was caused by a simple kiss told by her mother Abigail Rose. The 19-year-old gave his testimony through Facebook to raise awareness and prevent these deaths continue to occur.

According to the story of Abigail, his baby He was born without problem and weighed 4 kilos, but his body began to deteriorate in a few hours after birth. "I was healthy before the HSV-1 virus," said the pathology that developed neonatal herpes in baby.

In the publication, the young woman living in the United States explained that someone had touched the girl without washing her hands or kissing while carrying the virus. "Everyone can have and not show the symptoms. It is fatal at least two weeks and parents so that their children can go too much, "he says.

"Help us save more children sharing our story and not kiss babies. Wash your hands Do not kiss babies! "Repeated the girl Facebook.

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