Facebook shows more interest in Blockchain and names Evan Cheng as Area Director – DiarioBitcoin


Cheng has more than three years of work experience for the social network and has been providing services for Apple for 10 years.


Facebook, ] one of the most popular social networks today, showed more and more interest in the development of Blockchain. This is ratified by naming one of its senior engineers to a position of great importance related to the underlying technology of digital currencies.

Managers of Facebook named Evan Cheng as "the first director of the Blockchain Engineering Zone". These rumors were originally announced by the information portal TechCrunch, but were confirmed by Facebook.

Cheng has already worked for more than three years for Facebook in the field of engineering for programming languages ​​and project execution. Previously, he had worked for about 10 years with Apple and will now lead the team responsible for research and technology-related developments Blockchain.

According to information published in the account of Twitter of Cheng, the engineer claims to have experience in developing products and solutions crypto and Blockchain, as he mentions these aspects in his field of knowledge.

Originally the social network announced plans to start exploring the technology Blockchain for the month of May 2018. The head of the platform ] from Facebook, David Marcus, was the person responsible for training and leading the team that was going to devote himself to this task.

Apparently Facebook rethinks your postu Faced with cryptocurrencies and technology Blockchain, from the social media giant originally banned on the platform all kinds of associated advertisements to new digital currencies, but was then incorporating new forms so that certain types of cryptographic product-related ads can be advertised in the social network from this month. However, in this possibility, pre-sale campaigns for new cryptocurrencies are not allowed (Initial Coin Offering, ) which is a pre-sale campaign organized by the creators of a new Digital currency, where participants invest a certain amount of money to become the creditors of balances in cryptocurrency before being officially put on the market and its value increases.
The acronym ICO is similar to IPO Initial Public Offering term used in conventional stock markets when a company announces the date of release of shares to the public. "ICO).

These new ads are more and more rumors that the social network plans to launch its own cryptocurrency at some point, which do not have been denied by the administrators of the social network, who claim that "explore" [194590] 05] these technologies

Source: CoinDesk

Version by Angel Di Matteo / DiarioBitcoin

Main image of Pixabay [19659004] LinkedIn by Cheng

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