Facebook wants to launch a satellite in space next year


Facebook is not only the social network, but also Instagram WhatsApp among other services. However, Mark Zuckerberg 's company will look to go further and hopes to launch a satellite in space next year.

According to WIRED, the social network confirmed the existence of this project and would launch a satellite for early 2019 under the name "Athena" for the purpose of providing Internet in areas where there is no or very difficult to install.

The Zuckerberg company has already requested permission from the United States Federal Telecommunications Commission (FCC) and would carry out all legal procedures to make this project possible.

Although the social network did not provide much details about the project, they defended the use of satellite technology to provide the Internet. "We believe that satellite technology will be an important factor in the next generation of broadband infrastructure which allows to bring broadband connectivity to rural areas that are missing or just do not exist ] "said WIRED of Facebook.

Facebook already has some experience of providing the Internet in extreme areas. Through the project "Free Basics" the social network entered into agreements with telecommunications companies to provide free access to certain pages and Internet contents in developing countries.


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