False "Epidemiological Alert" for influenza in Yucatan


Again, the misuse of social networks contributes to misinformation generating uncertainty, and today the issue in the honor is an alleged communication from the Ministry of Health Yucatan, IMSS, ISSSTE and the Federal Secretariat of Health. there is talk of an "epidemiological alert" that does not exist for the onset of influenza.

Although some of the recommendations are general and favorable to prevention, the apocryphal text mentions "mandatory" provisions that include, among other things, not going to public places, avoiding physical contact, not using public transportation and suspend work or school activities before symptoms. In addition, the document highlights the "strong aggressiveness of the virus" and the "fatal cases in the state of Yucatan".

"They are scary to the population yesterday at the press conference we were very clear.They draw a catastrophic scenario and in a certain part of the communique, they invite people of working age not to use the Such ads are irresponsible as they limit the movement of people when a person under treatment goes to work and uses the label sneezing in the bus as it should, and following other measures hygiene, they have no problem to move like that, "said Luis Vázquez Ortiz, spokesman for the Ministry of Health

In addition to the uncertainty generated by these communications, In the development of these images, the official logos, phone numbers and emails of the institutions are misused.The Department of Health has indicated that another wrong piece is an audio that travels through the channels What sApp, in which a person told Dstar in the vaccination center of the clinic Merida, where they inform him that there are no vaccines, but "they do with the current constraint to apply in the winter season. "

Yesterday, Jorge Mendoza Mezquita, Secretary of Health, denied that there is an emergency situation, but agreed that in the next two weeks there will be a considerable increase in patients. stated that the death attributed to influenza has not been officially ruled.- JUAN CARLOS GÓNGORA

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