Family members of Argentina underwater lighting candles to the executive


Buenos Aires.- Some of the parents of the 44 disappeared with the Argentine submarine ARA San Juan, whose trail was lost in the waters of the Atlantic on November 15 last, they lit candles in Buenos Aires as a symbol of hope that the Executive hired a company that found the ship .

Photo: EFE

We believe that by fighting and being on the street here in Buenos Aires, we can come to the truth. We want justice for our parents, we want to have them here no matter how it is, but have a place to tell my nephews that daddy is here, said parent Lucia Zunda Meoqui in statements to Efe.

Dozens of parents, some of whom have arrived from the city of Mar del Plata in Buenos Aires, have since Wednesday chained to the iconic Plaza de Mayo of the Argentine capital to protest peacefully during the fall of the city. 39, call for tenders. I was going to be hired to find the missing submarine.

This Friday they called a rally in which they asked the Argentine people to accompany them with candles as a symbol of hope.

Photo: EFE

People have focused around the obelisk that stands in front of Casa Rosada – the home of the national government – as so many other times the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo have called for their demise.

I never thought I was in this situation, "confessed Zunda Meoqui, sister of the lieutenant's frigate Adrian Zunda, visibly moved, and asked" transparency to the executive of Mauricio Macri "

Defense Minister Oscar Aguad promised a second meeting Monday in Buenos Aires with a final response by Argentinian President Mauricio Macri

Photo: EFE

The offer fell because the government discovered that it is a free paper company, which is in debt, said Daniel Esteban Polo, Daniel Alejandro's father Polo, first corporal of the submarine ARA San Juan.

The Argentine government had launched a bidding process in which the company Igeotest Geosciences had been selected for the research, but in early June, Argentine lawyer Valeria Carreras challenged the company. opinion by which this company had been selected, a decision that does not share another part of the family of missing sailors.

We will stay here camping, collect signatures so that our dear president can listen to us, see us and engage a serious company that will look for them, "he insisted, adding that even if they do not know anymore "what door knock", "The president of Argentina" who does not listen to them.

In case the executive continues to "turn a deaf ear" to their demands, ensures the Corporal Polo's father, they are ready to denounce their situation to the UN.

The Argentine Navy lost a warship, it's not the same as losing a piece in a source It is a weapon of war with 44 Argentineans inside, behind the 44 they have hundreds of parents, he said.Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s )
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