Family says goodbye to Santiago Galindo


The parents of the producer Santiago Galindo went to see him at Felix Cuevas' Funerarium Gayosso, in the middle of a rain that covered Mexico City.

The manager was found dead in his vehicle in the neighborhood of Las Águilas. He committed suicide with a pistol

He was known for the productions he made with his cousin, Rubén Galindo, including Gigantic Pequeños and Dancing for a Dream

"He was a great accomplice and many people on Televisa, and we are all extremely surprised and dismayed at what happened, we accompany his wife, his children, his parents and his brothers and sisters in this suffering, the whole family Galindo is very united and close the ranks so that the duel is the most calm and serene Rubén Galindo by telephone

Characters related to the television arrived at the funeral parlor, among which Yordi Rosado, the producer Lalo Suárez, MaPat López, as well as the l Santiago's uncle and Rubén's father, also known as Rubén Galindo

that the family did not know exactly the reason that led his nephew to suicide, and he recounted what happened hours before his death.

"He was going to look for places, he left home at four o'clock tomorrow, he left his wallet and his wife looked for him to tell him that he had left her, they got her searched with the phone and they found it nearby, they went to get him and the police were already around the car.

It was a suicide, but until now it is not known that he left a posthumous letter to his loved ones. Sergio Galindo, another of his cousins, shared his words with the press.

"He was a person with great human quality, a friend, a colleague, it was a great honor and a pleasure to work with him, to be his cousin." Many gaps in the middle, yesterday – Wednesday – he was applauded with applause, which makes him well deserved. "

The body of Santiago was cremated yesterday Thursday at 18:00 and his ashes will rest in a church in Pedregal San Ángel, with one of his brothers

Rubén Galindo, uncle of Santiago Galindo, said that among the family, they spoke of this unfortunate fact and consider that several factors have influenced the decision of the producer. [19659002"RubénetSantiagoontdivisélesproductionsparcequ'ilsenavaientplusieursmaisceluiquiluiesttombéaétésuspenduetilsontenlevél'exclusivitédelacompagniedanslaquelleiltravaillaitdepuisdenombreusesannéesetc'estlourd"aditl'oncleIlacommentéqu'ilneveutpasdevancerlesfaitsêtrecapabledeparleravecd'autresmembresdelafamillequiétaienttrèsprochesdeluiycomprisRubénsonfilsquiestdévastéparlesnouvelles

He said that & # 39; he did not know much about the work his nephew in the series on crime. He remembered that his nephew Santiago was still a calm person who knew what he wanted, "that's why I do not give credit," he says, "but I do not know not too much what he was doing. "

What happened, if someone had told me about it, would believe it but not about it. "

" This was very painful for the family, because we are very united people and we love each other, "said Galindo, who sometimes broke his voice.

The Universal

MaPat López remembers

Producer MaPat López arrived Thursday morning at Felixos Cuevas' Gayosso funeral home around half past eleven to offer her condolences to the family of Santiago Galindo

"Your office is right next to mine. impact on you, it 's a shame for you, it' s a blow for all of us in this job, it was wonderful, kind, tender, we always welcomed ourselves with a lot of affection, we were neighbors, "she says remarkably moved., the causes that led the producer to commit suicide go beyond the cancellation of their exclusivity with Televisa as well as the cancellation of some projects , as requested

"No, we are very hard hit, sometimes no, we have more independent heart than anything else. "

 Family said goodbye to Santiago Galindo

Sadness.Family and friends have fired the producer, who lifted his life last Wednesday, the causes are unknown.

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