Farewell Audi 600 casual workers so far this year


So far this year, 600 temporary workers have been fired from the Audi company in San José Chiapa, due to several factors, but mainly because the contract has been complied with, informed the Independent Trade Union Leader. Audi workers from Mexico. (Sitaudi), Álvaro López Vázquez

López Vázquez argues that other cases were dismissed due to the absences that the workers had throughout the year, since in some cases, until 39 to 35 absences were accumulated "This year, 600 workers left, but some 300 have been rehired, some are factory workers who have had problems with time, because last year, they accumulated up to 35 absences. The company can not count on them to complete their production process, "he said.

He indicated that they have a staff shortage, but that will not affect the realization of the Product target 180,000 units, or 30,000 more than expected for the first year of operations in Puebla.

On other issues, he recalled that it will be up to 39,000. in 2020, the date of the renewal of the union committee, for the workers to choose a new union leader or decide to continue, in addition to remembering that the assistant secretaries were renewed last year.

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