Farewell to Marie José Tramini, the flame of inspiration



M Arie José Tramini was named before muse. The fire that inspired the French plastic artist to integrate whole worlds into small boxes, his art-object, ignited other lives, like the Mexican poet Octavio Paz (1914-1998), his partner for 34 years.

Woman who gave "vital energy", "a second air", to the Nobel Prize for Literature 1990 died yesterday at 11 am in her house in Polanco. "She was really Octavio 's impulse, his inspiration, the air under his wings," said historian Enrique Krauze, who met him there are more than 40 years.

I am really sorry for the loss of Marie-Jo. I have always been impressed by his joy, his brilliance, his contagious vitality, his spirit, he was enormously ingenious and very intelligent, "he added.The editorial director Clío and the magazine Letras Libres added that Paz "had a very difficult and, to a large extent, unhappy love life, I would say, until 50, that he met Marie-Jo in India. And we can say that there is a before and after in your life. In many ways, Marie-Jo gave her vital energy not only poetically, but in general. He gave her a second wind until the end of her life. "

He pointed out that Paz's widow was a very beautiful artist." But I think she deliberately made her life dependent on loving Octavio and taking care of him. They lived together great joys, adventures, travels. From the 60s, Octavio had a trajectory always ascending and a vital part that he owes him. "

Krauze explained that the last time he lived with her was on April 19 at El Colegio Nacional, when he was commemorated the sad 20th anniversary of the author of The Labyrinth of loneliness . "I was incarcerated. I had a lot of bads. It was hard to see her. But she was always very generous and showed affection.

It is precisely for this reason that, on April 19, Marie José Tramini reported to Excélsior how the absence of her husband was lived. "I want to remember him as a vital man.I'm very sad.I miss him a lot.Image But I focused on recovering the life we ​​had together.For me it was a gift."

Marie-Jo, as he was affectionately called, and Paz met in 1962 at a diplomatic reception in Delhi, where the poet arrived as ambassador to India, Ceylon, and Afghanistan, narrated in the prologue of the book Whole Wind republished in 2014.

She, then married to the political adviser of the French Embassy in the Asian country, divorced soon and, in June 1964, began living together Thus, Paz has found at 48, the woman he did not want to separate until his death.

I shared all this physical, vital part of him. We have loved each other for a long time and, thanks to him, I believe in happiness, "he explained three months ago. "He was very affectionate, very attentive to me He loved me All this really can not be explained, we have to live it," he said.

The writer Alberto Ruy Sánchez, friend and compadre of Marie-Jo Paz, godmother of her son Santiago, pointed out yesterday that she was the great promoter of paciana work. "For us, it was the family. Always close I talked to him twice a week. Friday was the last day I spoke to him. I have always waited for him to talk to me so that he is not mistaken. She was very attached to her routine. He slept every day at four in the morning and woke up at one o'clock in the afternoon. "

The director of the magazine Artes de México admitted that" she was very alone, but she was an inhabited solitude, a populated solitude. I have never been depressed, I have never heard depressed. She was very considerate, incredibly smiling, full of jokes. Never anything negative.

It was full of projects. He was talking all the time about what he wanted to do. I always thought about the festivities or the editions of Paz. He had the tremendous desire to write his memoirs. "

For his part, Juan Carlos Rodríguez editor of the Fondo de Cultura Económica, commented that as an publishing house they are very proud to have in their catalog the work of Paz, one of its star authors, and to have worked closely with his widow. "But with the death of Marie-Jo, who was his executor, we do not know what will happen to his author rights. We will be attentive to these decisions. "

The remains of the French artist, whose death has regretted the cultural authorities and President Enrique Peña Nieto, were veiled last night at the Gayosso Funeral Home of Felix Cuevas.



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