Fast NAFTA or take another path: Trump to AMLO


The President of the United States, Donald Trump, responded to Andrés Manuel López Obrador who, while seeking to redouble efforts in the negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement with the United States. next Mexican government, "must be fast" Or take "a different path" that is "more profitable" for Americans.

After the virtual elected president sent the US President on June 13 a letter in which he described his proposals for the relationship between the two. country, yesterday Marcelo Ebrard, future chancellor, announced the response letter sent by the Republican.

On the trade issue, Trump details that in the last 18 months his team "has been working hard to increase the relationship with Mexico" and explained that he has instructed his associates to "redouble his Efforts with the next government team. "

Trump noted that both countries have benefited from or have an economically prosperous North America and considered that after a year of economic reforms that" we are in the midst of an economic crisis. he has implemented in his government, "the US economy has never been so strong and this economic revival has benefited both US citizens and those of Mexico.But we can do even better. 19659002] "I believe that a successful renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement will lead us to more and better paying jobs for Mexican and American workers, but if we can do it quickly, otherwise i will dev to choose a path very different from the present. The above is not my preference, but it will be much more profitable for the United States and their taxpayers. "

The letter begins with Trump's congratulations to Tabasco for his virtual triumph and emphasizes that he has" a great interest in working closely "with AMLO" and building an excellent relationship "between the United States and the United States. Mexico on the basis of the four axes that the Tabasco proposed: trade, migration, development and security.

On migration, Trump details that "United States It welcomes legal migrants from around the world, but we can not accept the Illegal immigration. "

Acknowledges that, as stated by Andrés Manuel," dealing with illegal migration involves much more than just a highly secure border ", it was said, ready to" address the issue of economic development, as well as those related to security, which drive migration from Central America, but we must also strengthen cooperation to protect the rule of law and the sovereignty of our countries, as well as the migrants vulnerable, who are victims of violent criminal organizations. "

Trump also celebrated the fight against corruption that the founder of Morena made the banner of his movement and said:" My administration is ready to support you in these important efforts. "

The letter ends by hosting the transition team at the NAFTA negotiating tables. "A strong relationship will lead to a much stronger and more prosperous Mexico, which will make me frankly very happy!", Writing Trump


Although the letter is dated July 20, López Obrador explained that he received it on Monday and said that the decision to broadcast it in its entirety was a request made to the US President under the commitment to "make transparent all that relates to the relationship with the US Government and other countries," for which it was circulated "with the consent of these. "

AMLO acknowledged that he was satisfied with the response At this time, his working group will be respectful of the faculties of the government and its officials.

" We respect the current government, President Enrique Peña Nieto and the work that the Mexican government officials did, the Foreign Relations Secretary, the owner of the economy, the group that was in the negotiations of the Free Trade Agreement; We respect the current authorities.

"We are initiating this relationship by informing the current government and in the negotiations that, we think, will be reopened to continue the negotiations, we will participate as observers; this time, the negotiation will be conducted by the current government and the group that initiated these talks to reach an agreement, "said AMLO

GOOD TIME TO RELIEF THE NEGOTIATIONS: MÁRQUEZ COLÍN [19659002] Graciela Márquez Colín , proposed by the virtual president-elect, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, as secretary of the economy of the next government, assured that it was the right moment to revive the NAFTA negotiations and that this should not be a problem The federal government has expressed its belief in integration and free trade.

Questioned at the end of the joint message offered by President Enrique Peña Nieto and his Uruguayan counterpart, Tabaré Vázquez, in the context of the Pacific Summit in Puerto Vallarta, Márquez said that "in the revival of the" NAFTA, there is a lot of encouragement from the government of the virtual and elected president and we believe that it is a good time for the relaunch of the negotiations ".

When asked if there was a concern about the next government's positions on free trade, he replied that "there should not be any." We have expressed during the campaign and in recent weeks the conviction that we have for integration and free trade. "

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